About us
The very first units were created and gifted to family for Christmas so they could display some very loved acoustic guitars. The design was refined and adjusted over 10 months to reach what we believe to be the perfect unit to support your strings.
Beautiful guitars that own precious space in your living room, bedroom, study or studio should rest on a stand to match. One that looks clean and simple, unobtrusive especially when holding a guitar and something special to see when not.
Who are we
Paul and Laura Jager, Jager Stands founders, are not strangers when it comes to timber with their roots in furniture making and display design.
Paul’s Father and Grandfather are also carpenters so you could say timberwork is part of the genome. They are fiercely passionate about Australian manufacturing and are proud to be a part of such a creative, dynamic, and high-quality industry. Jager Stands are produced in Melbourne, Australia and shipped worldwide.
When it comes to music, Paul learnt to play guitar at just six years of age and even has a treble clef tattooed to his arm, committing his dedication to a lifelong appreciation of music. This appreciation is one the pair hope to pass onto son, Atlas Jager, who will no doubt be learning guitar as soon as he is old enough.
What we believe
We believe guitars can truly create a unique soundtrack for your home. The humble combination of strumming strings triggering and creating memories, teaching lessons and grounding us to a space or time or emotion in an instant.
Music can change any mood, influence your reactions and create unity like nothing else.
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Learn about and join our Ambassador Program
Our ambassadors are music players or lovers who need a stand to display their much loved guitar or perhaps the guitar of a family member. You could play for fun, to try something new, to entertain others, your family or even just yourself. You want to share your story, your talent or budding talents if learning with others, and you’ll want us to share it too. You could just love styling your home and feel a Jager Stand would work perfectly for the space.
To register your interest to become a Jager Stands Ambassador please click the below button and complete the form.